Saturday, September 1, 2012


This puffy paint will give your students a chance to work with a different texture that will inspire them to get really creative!
You'll need:

  • Powder detergent
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • Styrofoam cups
  • Popsicle sticks

Mix some detergent, a little water, and a few drops of food coloring.
Make sure the mixture isn't too runny... the end result should be more like a paste.
And that's it!
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Friday, August 31, 2012


This fun craft will help you turn a boring dictation or pop quiz into a creative activity!
Your students will need:

  • Crayons
  • A pencil
  • A pair of scissors
  • Tape
  • A black marker
  • A copy of this worksheet:  (Click on the picture to download it for free.)

Ask your students to write whatever you need them to practice:

  • Words to practice spelling
  • Sentences to practice grammar
  • Answers to questions related to the subject you're teaching

You can check your students' answers by saying something like:  "Take your yellow crayon and color H-A-L-L."
Continue like that until all answers have been colored.
Ask students to cut out the rectangle.
Tell them to cut the strips of paper except for the gray area.
Tape one end to the pencil.
Make sure the colored area is on the inside.
Roll it around the pencil and tape the other end.
Separate and arrange the strips of paper.
And that's it!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Make sure each student has a pencil and paper before beginning this game.
When the class is ready, write one letter of the alphabet on the board, and have students write down all the words they can think of that begin with that letter.
No more than one minute should be allowed for students to write.
When the minute is over, call “Time” and have students count their words.
The one with the most words wins, that is if the words are spelled correctly. 
The winner has the right to choose one of his classmates to answer a question related to the subject you want to review.
Continue like that using a different letter after each round.
If you have a group that’s larger than 15 students, it’s better to work with small teams.
Each team should have a ‘secretary’ whose job is to write everybody’s ideas.
For all students to participate equally, it’s important that after each round a different student has a chance to be the ‘secretary’.
You can also use these alphabet cards.  Follow the link to download:

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Asegúrate que cada alumno tenga lápiz y papel antes de empezar el juego.
Cuando ya estén listos, escribe una letra en el pizarrón, e indícales que deben escribir cuantas palabras puedan que inicien con esa letra.
Dales no más de un minuto para escribir.
Al finalizar el minuto, diles que cuenten sus palabras. 
El que más palabras tenga escritas correctamente es el ganador… y tiene derecho de elegir a uno de sus compañeros para que conteste una de tus preguntas, las cuales deben estar relacionadas con el tema que deseas repasar.
Continúa jugando de esta forma usando una letra diferente después de cada ronda.
Si tienes un grupo de más de 15 alumnos, es mejor dividirlos en pequeños equipos. 
Cada equipo debe tener un ‘secretario’, el cual escribe las ideas de todos sus compañeros.
Para que todos participen, es importante que después de cada ronda, un alumno diferente sea el ‘secretario’.
También puedes usar estas tarjetas.  Sigue el enlace para bajarlas e imprimirlas:

Monday, August 27, 2012


The rules of this game are simple. The first player begins by saying, “I like my friend with an A because her name is Alice and she is amazing” or, if referring to a man, “... because his name is Albert and he is amazing.” 
The second player continues by saying, “I like my friend with a B because her/his name is Barbara/Bob and she/he is brave.”
If a student takes too long to come up with a description, he becomes ‘it’ and is asked questions related to the subject you’re teaching.
If this game turns out to be too challenging for your students’ level, for the first round it would be a good idea to write a list of names and adjectives on the board, although not in alphabetical order. The second time around, erase the board and go in different order so that the student who had A or D or W the first time will have a different letter.


El primer participante empieza diciendo: “Me cae bien mi amiga con una A porque su nombre es Andrea y ella es amable.”  O si es un chico: “Me cae bien mi amigo con una A porque su nombre es Alberto y él es astuto.”
El segundo participante continúa diciendo: “Me cae bien mi amigo con una B porque su nombre es Brandon y él es bueno.” 
Y así continúan hasta que se hayan nombrado a todos los alumnos.
Si alguien tarda demasiado en decir una descripción, se le hace una pregunta relacionada con el tema que quieres repasar.
Si este juego resulta demasiado difícil para el nivel de tus alumnos, para la primera ronda puedes escribir en la pizarra los nombres con una descripción.  Luego para la segunda ronda, borras la pizarra y usas un orden diferente: Si un alumno trabajó con un nombre que empezaba con D, que ahora use un nombre con M.

Friday, August 24, 2012


This is quick reaction game. It is especially good with young people who get restless and need to release energy from time to time.
The players stand in a circle.
One player has the bean bag.
He throws it randomly to another player in the circle, at the same time calling out a color.
The second player must catch the bean bag and, upon catching it, call out the name of something that is that color.
He, in turn, tosses the bean bag to the next player, shouting out the name of a different color.
The game proceeds as follows:
Player 1: Blue! (Throwing the object to another player)
Player 2: Sky! (Throwing the object to the third player) Green!
Player 3: Grass! (tosses the object to another player) RED!
Player 4: Tomato!
Colors may be repeated but the answers should be different. If one player gives sky for blue, then the next blue should be a different object of that color, such as, water.
For each error, a student receives a point against him. He also gets a point against him if he hesitates too long in answering.
A player is asked three questions related to the subject you’re teaching when he has three points against him.
Whenever you wish to end the game, the player with the fewest (or no) points against him wins.

In a large class this could be a team game.
The class could be divided into two teams which are lined up, facing each other.
Rather than tossing the bean bag at random, the players would throw it to the person opposite, going down the line then starting back towards the front again.
The team with the fewest errors at the end wins.

These cards can be given to students to keep track of their points.  Follow this link to print them:

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